Syllabus Included in this Ebook👇
Chapter 1: Introduction to Python
- What is Python?
- Features of Python
- Applications Of Python
- Python Installation
- First Python Program
Chapter 2: Modules, Comment & Pip
- Modules in Python
- Three Main Types of Modules
- Comments in Python
- Types of Comments
- What is a pip?
Chapter 3: Variables, Data Types Keywords & Operators
- Variables in Python
- Identifier in Python
- Data Types in Python
- Keywords in Python
- Operators in Python
Chapter 4: List, Dictionary, Set, Tuples & Type Conversion
- Lists in Python
- Dictionary in Python
- Set in Python
- Tuple in Python
Chapter 5: Flow Control
- Python Indentation
- If-Statement
- if-else Statement
- elif Statement
- Nested if Statement
Chapter 6: Loops
- Pass Statement in Python
- While Loop in Python
- For Loop in Python
- For Loop Using range() Function
- Nested For Loop
Chapter 7: Strings
- Python String
- Creating String in Python
- Strings indexing and splitting
- Deleting the String
- String Operations
- String Formatting
Chapter 8: Functions
- Function in Python
- Creating a Function
- Function Calling
- Return Statement
- Arguments in Function
- Scope Of Variable
Chapter 9: File Handling
- Introduction to file input/output
- Opening and Closing Files
- Reading and Writing Text Files
- Working with Binary Files
- Exception Handling in File Operations
Chapter 10: Object Oriented Programming
- Introduction to OOP in Python
- Classes and Objects
- Constructor and Destructors
- Inheritance & Polymorphism
- Encapsulation and Data Hiding
- Method Overriding and Overloading
Chapter 11: Exception HandlingÂ
- Introduction to Exception Handling
- Exception Handling Mechanism
- Handling Multiple Exception
- Customer Expectation
- Error Handling Strategies
Chapter 12: Advanced Data Structure
- Lists
- Sets
- Dictionaries
- Stack and Queue (Using Lists)
Chapter 13: Functional Programming
- Map, Filter & Reduce
- Lambda and Anonymous Functions
Chapter 14: Working with Files and DirectoriesÂ
- Files i/o Operations (Binary Files)
- Directory Manipulation
- Working with CSV and JSON Files
Chapter 15: Regular ExpressionÂ
- Introduction to Regular Expression
- Pattern Matching with re-Module
- Common Regular Expression Pattern
Chapter 16: Web Development with Python
- Introduction to Web Development
- Building Simple Web Applications with Flask and Django
Chapter 17: Data Analysis and Visualisation
- Numpy and Pandas for Data Manipulation
- Matplotlib and Seaborn
Chapter 18: Machine Learning and AI
- Introduction to Machine Learning
- Using Libraries like scikit Learn and Tesorflow
- Simple Machine Learning Example
Rajesh more –
Yashjeet singh –
Best book have neat, clear & easily understandable written
Balvir singh –
This book is really helpful for the exams
Aditi sharma –
I found these Python handwritten notes to be incredibly helpful as a student. The simplicity of the language used made it easy to understand even the most complex concepts. The notes are well-structured and cover a wide range of topics, from basic syntax to more advanced programming techniques. The diagrams and illustrations were a great visual aid and helped me grasp abstract ideas easily.
Asif shikh –
These Python handwritten notes are a lifesaver for any student learning Python. The language used is clear and concise, making it perfect for beginners. The notes are organized in a way that builds a strong foundation in Python programming. I appreciated the real-life examples and exercises that reinforced what I learned. It’s like having a personal tutor in written form!
Asif shikh –
These handwritten Python notes are fantastic for students like me. The author’s simple language and step-by-step explanations made learning Python a breeze. The notes are student-friendly, and the inclusion of practical examples helped me apply what I learned in real-world scenarios. I highly recommend these notes to anyone looking to master Python.
Aqsa shikh –
Best notes ever saw
Shruti patil –
Neat & clear explanation ✅
Piyush Verma –
As a Computer Science Engineering student, I can’t emphasize enough how vital these Python handwritten notes have been to my academic success. They’ve simplified complex concepts, provided practical examples, and made Python feel like a breeze. If you’re a CSE student, don’t hesitate – these notes are a game-changer!
Yogesh Bandal –
Great book, nice writing
wethousandoffical –
great ebook
Sunder Sharma –
Great simplest explanation
Sachin –