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React Js Deep Dive Handwritten Notes

Original price was: ₹999.00.Current price is: ₹199.00.

Dive deep into React JS with these easy-to-follow handwritten notes! Perfect for beginners and pros alike, these notes cover all the important stuff like components, state, props, and JSX (that fancy HTML-like code in React). Each idea comes with clear explanations and examples to help you get it. Whether you’re just starting out or want to get into cool stuff like hooks and context API, these notes are here to make React a breeze.


  1. Clear and Neat Writing
  2. Easiest Explanation
  3. Best for Exams Preparation
  4. Cover Almost Python Topics
  • Pages: 248
  • Chapters: 22
  • Syllabus: Find Syllabus Below


Syllabus Included in this Ebook👇

Chapter 1: Introduction to Web Development

  • Overview of the history and evolution of web development.
  • Introduction to frontend and backend development.
  • The role of JavaScript in modern web development.

Chapter 2: Introduction to React.js

  • Understanding the need for React in building user interfaces.
  • Exploring React’s declarative approach.
  • Overview of the Virtual DOM and its significance.

Chapter 3: Setting Up Your Development Environment

  • Installing Node.js and npm for package management.
  • Creating a new React project using Create React App.
  • Understanding the basic project structure and configuration.

Chapter 4: JSX and Components

  • Introduction to JSX (JavaScript XML).
  • Creating functional and class components in React.
  • Understanding component props and state.

Chapter 5: State and Lifecycle

  • Exploring component state and its role in React.
  • Understanding the lifecycle methods of class components.
  • Implementing lifecycle methods in practical scenarios

Chapter 6: Handling Events

  • Overview of event handling in React.\
  • Updating component state based on user interactions.
  • Best practices for event handling in React.

Chapter 7: Forms in React

  • Managing form data with controlled components.
  • Implementing form validation and submission.
  • Handling various form elements in React.

Chapter 8: Hooks

  • Introduction to hooks and their role in functional components.
  • Using useState and useEffect hooks.
  • Creating custom hooks for reusable logic.

Chapter 9: Context API

  • Managing state at the application level with the Context API.
  • Implementing Provider and Consumer components.
  • Sharing state between components using context.

Chapter 10: Higher-Order Components (HOCs)

  • Understanding the concept of HOCs.
  • Creating and using HOCs for code reusability.
  • Practical examples of HOCs in React applications.

Chapter 11: Redux Basics

  • Introduction to state management with Redux.
  • Actions, reducers, and the Redux store.
  • Connecting React components to the Redux store.

Chapter 12: Advanced Redux

  • Implementing middleware in Redux.
  • Asynchronous operations with Redux Thunk.
  • Best practices for structuring Redux code in large applications.

Chapter 13: React Router

  • Setting up routing in React applications.
  • Navigating between different views using React Router.
  • Handling route parameters and dynamic routing.

Chapter 14: Testing React Applications

  • Writing unit tests for React components using Jest.
  • Using React Testing Library for component testing.
  • Testing Redux actions, reducers, and asynchronous code.

Chapter 15: Debugging React Applications

  • Utilizing browser developer tools for debugging.
  • Common debugging techniques in React applications.
  • Best practices for debugging React code.

Chapter 16: Performance Optimization

  • Understanding memoization and PureComponent in React.
  • Implementing React.memo and useCallback for performance gains.
  • Analyzing and optimizing component re-renders.

Chapter 17: Code Splitting and Lazy Loading

  • Implementing code splitting in React applications.
  • Lazy loading components for improved performance.
  • Strategies for optimizing large React codebases.

Chapter 18: Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

  • Introduction to server-side rendering in React.
  • Configuring and implementing SSR in a React application.
  • Benefits and considerations of SSR.

Chapter 19: Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

  • Building Progressive Web Apps using React.
  • Implementing offline support and caching strategies.
  • Enhancing user experience with PWA features.

Chapter 20: Building a React Application

  • Step-by-step guide to building a complete React project.
  • Best practices in project structure, organization, and naming conventions.
  • Tips for collaborating with a team on a React project.

Chapter 21: Deployment

  • Preparing a React application for deployment.
  • Choosing hosting options and platforms.
  • Best practices for deploying and maintaining React applications.

Chapter 22: React and the Future of Web Development

  • Exploring the latest features in React 18 and concurrent mode.
  • Trends and advancements in the React ecosystem.
  • Preparing for the future of web development with React.


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