Syllabus Included in this Ebook👇
Chapter 1: Introduction to Python
- What is Python?
- Python’s history and popularity
- Installing Python
- Running Python scripts
- Python development environments (IDLE, VSCode, Jupyter Notebook, etc.)
- The print() function
- Basic arithmetic operations
Chapter 2: Variables and Data Types
- Variables and naming conventions
- Numeric data types (int, float)
- Strings and string manipulation
- Booleans
- Type conversion (int(), float(), str())
- Variables and memory
Chapter 3: Control Flow
- If statements
- Comparison operators (==, !=, <, >, <=, >=)
- Logical operators (and, or, not)
- Else and elif statements
- Nested if statements
- The while loop
- The for loop
- Loop control statements (break, continue)
- Using range() in for loops
Chapter 4: Lists and Tuples
- Lists and their methods (append, extend, pop, remove, etc.)
- Indexing and slicing
- List comprehension
- Tuples and their immutability
- Tuple packing and unpacking Chapter 5: Dictionaries and Sets
- Dictionary basics
- Dictionary methods (get, keys, values, items, etc.)
- Sets and set operations (union, intersection, difference)
- Creating dictionaries and sets
Chapter 6: Functions
- Defining and calling functions
- Function arguments and parameters
- Returning values from functions
- Local and global variables
- Function documentation (docstrings)
- Lambda functions
- Recursion
Chapter 7: Modules and Packages
- Importing modules
- Creating and using your own modules
- Â Standard Library modules
- Exploring third-party packages (e.g., NumPy, Pandas)
Chapter 8: File Handling
- Opening and closing files
- Reading and writing text files
- Reading and writing binary files
- Working with file paths
- Exception handling with files
Chapter 9: Exception Handling
- Understanding exceptions
- The try-except block
- Handling multiple exceptions
- The else and finally clauses
- Creating custom exceptions
Chapter 10: Regular Expressions
- Pattern matching with regular expressions
- Basic metacharacters and patterns
- Using the re module
Chapter 11: Advanced Topics
- Decorators
- Generators and iterators
- Context managers
- Threading and multiprocessing
- Working with databases (e.g., SQLite)
Chapter 14: Introduction to GUI Programming (
- GUI libraries (e.g., Tkinter)
- Creating basic GUI applications
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